Dippers Custom Themed Chalk Bags
Dippers is an iconic 'made in Natimuk' chalk bag. You rarely ever see 2 the same. Dipper's was started by Jill McLeod in Natimuk over 30 years ago. The reigns have now be handed down to another local legend. Natalie Lewis, the design and passion remains the same. I always have at least 100 Dipper's bags in stock rarely are 2 the same (normally corduroy). It would be way to painfull a process to put them all on the website so you will have to come into the store and pick one!
We have decided (Dippers and the Climbing Shop) to offer people the chance to order a custom themed Dippers bag. You pick the theme* and then Nat will work her magic.
*Remember your picking a theme and Nat is choosing what that will look like.